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Search results for mu,143 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,143
Translated headword: Manethos, Manetho
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Of Diospolis in Egypt or of the Sebennyte [nome].[1] [He wrote] Enquiries into Nature,[2] Apotelesmatica in verse,[3] and other astrological works.[4]
Greek Original:*ma/neqws, *diospo/lews th=s *ai)gu/ptou h)\ *sebennu/ths. *fusiologika/, *)apotelesmatika\ di' e)pw=n: kai\ a)/lla tina\ a)stronomou/mena.
[1] For the second of these locations, in the Delta, see Barrington Atlas map 74 grid E2. There are several Egyptian cities (and, again, an entire nome) called Diospolis.
[2] Also known as the
e)pitomh\ tw=n fusikw=n; cf.
Diogenes Laertius prooem. 10.
[3] The
editio princeps of the
Apotelesmatica was published by Jakob Gronov in 1698 (see Naiditch 104-6).
[4] I think it likely that
a)stronomou/mena here does mean astrological rather than astronomical writings.
For further notes and bibliography, see under
mu 142.
Naiditch, P.G. "Augustan Manetho," Liverpool Classical Monthly 14.7 (July 1989)
Keywords: biography; chronology; geography; historiography; poetry; religion; science and technology
Translated by: Paul Naiditch on 21 September 1999@16:30:40.
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