*mulai=os: o( a)po\ to/pou. kai\ o( *molusmo/s.
Stephanus of
Byzantium s.v. glosses
Mylai as 'a city of
Sicily', adding that there was another in Thessaly. (See, respectively, Barrington Atlas map 47 grid G2 ('Mylae') and map 55 grid C1.) He asserts that Mylaios was the ethnikon of the latter, and Mylaites that of the (much better-known) former. However, his claims in this area can rarely be taken categorically, and they are especially dubious in this instance when he offers 'Athenaites from
Athens' as an analogy.
[2] A defilement or pollution; cf.
delta 522 (=
eta 450),
lambda 792,
phi 823.
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