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Search results for mu,1365 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,1365
Translated headword: Muia's tear
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [A proverbial phrase which originated] because of the Thebans' criminality towards the oracle at
Dodona[1] -- from which there also arose the [proverb] "may you consult the oracle among Boiotians". For they too[2] behaved impiously toward the priestess, casting her into the cauldron at
Dodona because she was passionately fixated on one of the theoroi.
Greek Original:*mui/as da/kruon: dia\ th\n *qhbai/wn paranomi/an ei)s to\ e)n *dwdw/nh| mantei=on: a)f' ou(= ei)/rhtai kai\ to/, para\ *boiwtoi=s manteu/saio. h)se/bhsan ga\r kai\ ou(=toi ei)s th\n i(e/reian e)mbalo/ntes au)th\n ei)s to\n e)n *dwdw/nh| le/bhta, e)rwtikw=s diateqei=san ei)s e(/na tw=n qewrw=n.
The headword proverb, as it purports to be, is otherwise unattested with this or any other woman's name. For the name Muia cf.
mu 1361,
mu 1362,
mu 1363; however, in the version in
Zenobius 2.84 (etc.) of the second proverb given here (with a more plausible account of its aetiology than the Suda's), the name of the priestess is Murtilas.
[1] See generally
delta 1445,
delta 1446,
delta 1447.
[2] The distinction apparently being made here between 'Thebans' and 'Boiotians' is otiose.
Keywords: aetiology; daily life; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; history; proverbs; religion; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 2 May 2008@06:02:46.
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