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Search results for mu,1339 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,1339
Translated headword: foolishness for Christ's sake
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "[What is foolishness because of[1] Christ?] When we restrain our own thoughts, out of mad desire ahead of time; when we make our intellect void and empty of external education—so that, when it must accept the things of Christ, we hand it over at leisure and swept clean, to accept the divine words."
Greek Original:*mwri/a dia\ *xristo/n: o(/tan tou\s oi)kei/ous logismou\s luttw=ntas a)kai/rws kataste/llwmen, o(/tan e)/rhmon kai\ kenh\n th\n h(mete/ran dia/noian th=s e)/cwqen poiw=men paideu/sews, i(/n' o(/tan de/h| ta\ tou= *xristou= de/xesqai, sxola/zousan kai\ sesarwme/nhn au)th\n pro\s u(podoxh\n tw=n qei/wn lo/gwn pare/xwmen.
John Chrysostom, On the Incomprehensible Nature of God 2 line 71 Malingrey (= PG 48, 710bc).
[1] Chrysostom uses the preposition kata/ here, dia/ (as in the present lemma) a little earlier.
Keywords: Christianity; ethics; religion
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 6 August 2009@07:30:33.
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