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Search results for mu,1333 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,1333
Translated headword: surely not?
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Aristophanes [writes]: "Surely you're not from a fine and noble family, are you?" -- "No, by the gods!"[1]
And elsewhere [sc. one finds the equivalence]:
mw=n e)sti; [meaning]
a)=ra/ e)stin.[2]
"I haven't come too late to help, have I?" [Meaning] I haven't come later than the critical time for helping, have I?[3]
Greek Original:*mw=n: *)aristofa/nhs: mw=n e)k kalw=n ei)= ka)gaqw=n; ma\ tou\s qeou/s. kai\ au)=qis: *mw=n e)stin: a)=ra/ e)sti; mw=n u(stero/pous bohqw=; mh\ u(/steron tou= kairou= h)=lqon ei)s to\ bohqh=sai;
mu 1332.
Knights 185 (an exchange between the first slave and the sausage-seller: web address 1). Note the
scholia there:
mh\ eu)genh\s ei)= [He means:] "you're not well-born."
[2] Likewise in other lexica: see the references at
Photius mu649 Theodoridis.
[3] The women's chorus in
Lysistrata 326 (web address 2), with
scholia thereto.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; poetry
Translated by: Kyle Helms on 2 May 2009@08:46:20.
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