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Search results for mu,1323 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,1323
Translated headword: moil [of war], struggle
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] battle.[1]
Because of being stained [molu/nesqai] with blood; or from the bodies of the dying being stained in war; or from barely [mo/lis] escaping;[2] or because it reduces [meioi=], that is lessens, the crowds; or because the masses are selected for it.
Greek Original:*mw=los: h( ma/xh. dia\ to\ molu/nesqai ai(/mati: h)\ a)po\ tou= molu/nesqai tw=n a)poqnhsko/ntwn ta\ sw/mata e)n pole/mw|: h)\ para\ to\ mo/lis e)kfugei=n: h)\ o(/ti meioi=, o(/ e)stin e)lattoi=, tou\s o)/xlous: h)\ o(/ti ei)s au)to\n ei)/lektai ta\ plh/qh.
Etymologicum Magnum 592.32, and
mu 1324.
[1] Same glossing, in passing, in a scholion (a short digression on the Arcadians' Moleia festival) on Apollonius Rhodius,
Argonautica 1.164.
[2] Chantraine s.v. admits the possibility that
mw=los is related to
P. Chantraine, Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque ed. 2. Paris 2009.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; geography; military affairs; poetry; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 4 August 2009@22:28:07.
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