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Search results for mu,1311 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,1311
Translated headword: hardship, toil
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] trouble.
The Pisidian [writes]: "he was having no hardship in fording the Euphrates."[1]
Greek Original:*mo/xqos: ko/pos. *pisi/dhs: ou)k ei)=xe mo/xqon ei)s to\n *eu)fra/thn po/ron.
The headword is a (commonplace) masculine noun in the nominative singular (cf.
alpha 3215 for it as a nickname). In the quotation given it appears in the accusative singular.
For cognates cf.
mu 1307,
mu 1308,
mu 1309,
mu 1310.
[1] George of
Heraclias 3 fr.16. The Euphrates River is the longest river in western Asia and generally follows a course to the west of the Tigris River (cf.
tau 559), with which in antiquity it was connected by various navigation and irrigation canals; cf.
epsilon 1310, and see OCD(4) s.v.
Keywords: biography; definition; geography; history; poetry
Translated by: Ronald Allen on 26 June 2008@03:09:02.
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