*moxqei=: kakopaqei=. oi( de\ *keltoi\ polla\ moxqh/santes kata\ th\n o(do\n dia\ th\n dusxwri/an. le/getai de\ kai\ *moxqi/zw.
The headword, evidently extracted from somewhere, is the present indicative active, third person singular, of the verb
I weary with toil; see LSJ s.v. and cf.
mu 1308,
mu 1309,
mu 1310,
mu 1311.
[1] The gloss is the present indicative active, third person singular, of the verb
I am in distress; see LSJ s.v. The headword is identically glossed in
Lexicon (mu561 Theodoridis),
Hesychius mu1760, and
Lexica Segueriana 304.4; cf. ps.-
Zonaras 1373.11.
[2] Quotation unidentifiable. (Note, however, that one part of it,
polla\ moxqh/santes, was apparently proverbial: so Lucian,
Hermotimus 69; and cf. e.g.
Polybius 1.54.7,
Diodorus Siculus 5.39.2.) For the Celts, see generally
kappa 1307 and OCD(4) s.v.
[3] See LSJ s.v. for this poetic synonym.
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