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Search results for mu,1297 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,1297
Translated headword: Mousaios, Musaeus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A philosopher among Hellenes.
Lysias in the speech - if genuine -
Reply to the indictment of Mixidemos [writes]: "and he has two [slave-]boys in attendance, one of whom he calls Mousaios, the other Hesiod".[1] That the man on trial gave the slaves these names purposely [is] clear. But concerning [sc. the original] Mousaios, some have said that the man [came] from Thrace, others that he is a native [Athenian], from
Greek Original:*mousai=os: par' *(/ellhsi filo/sofos. *lusi/as pro\s th\n *micidh/mou grafh/n, [ei)] gnh/sios: kai\ du/o pai=das au)tw=| a)kolou/qous ei)=nai, w(=n ou(=tos to\n me\n *mousai=on kalei=, to\n de\ *(hsi/odon. o(/ti o( me\n krino/menos e)peth/deue tou\s oi)ke/tas tou=to kalei=n dh=lon. peri\ de\ *mousai/ou oi( me\n e)k *qra/|khs ei)rh/kasi to\n a)/ndra ei)=nai, oi( de\ au)to/xqona e)c *)eleusi=nos.
After the initial defining phrase, this entry is abbreviated from Harpokration s.v. See also
mu 1294, and generally OCD4 s.v.
Lysias fr. 176 Sauppe, now 222 Carey OCT.
Keywords: biography; daily life; definition; geography; meter and music; mythology; poetry; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 8 December 2000@05:27:17.
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