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Adler number: mu,1291
Translated headword: Muse
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] knowledge.[1] From [the verb] mw= [which means] I seek;[2] for she happens to be the cause of all education.[3] So with good reason the ancients called her Muse. Altogether they are nine: Kleio, Euterpe, Thaleia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Erato, Polymnia, Ourania, Kalliope.
But [he said that] according to the tradition of the theologians the Muses are many, because learning and education has great variety and is useful for every need.[4]
Greek Original:*mou=sa: h( gnw=sis. a)po\ tou= mw=, to\ zhtw=: e)peidh\ a(pa/shs paidei/as au(/th tugxa/nei ai)ti/a. ei)ko/tws ou)=n oi( a)rxai=oi *mou=san au)th\n e)ka/lesan. ei)si\ de\ pa=sai e)nne/a: *kleiw/, *eu)te/rph, *qa/leia, *melpome/nh, *teryixo/rh, *)eratw/, *polu/mnia, *ou)rani/a, *kallio/ph. polla\s de\ ta\s *mou/sas u(po\ tw=n qeolo/gwn paradedo/sqai, dio/ti polu\ to\ poiki/lon e)/xei ta\ maqh/mata kai\ paideu/mata, kai\ pro\s pa=san xrh=sin oi)kei=on.
From ancient comment on the opening of Hesiod's
Works and Days: 'Muses of Pieria who give glory through song'. See generally OCD4 s.v. A Roman mosaic floor found in
Luxemburg shows
Homer and the Muses: web address 1.
[1] From the
scholia to
Clouds 313, where the headword appears.
[2] The middle form
ma/omai is a dialectal variant of
mai/omai meaning "search." There was a theory, promoted by Philoxenos of Alexandria (
phi 394), that the Greek vocabulary was based on a core of monosyllabic verbs (like
mw=): see Dickey, 3.1.10 (p. 85).
[3] cf.
Helladius in
Bibliotheca 531a2,
Eustathius I.9.35.
[4] On
Nicolaus of Damascus: quoted more fully at
nu 393.
Eleanor Dickey, Ancient Greek Scholarship: A Guide to Finding, Reading, and Understanding Scholia, Commentaries, Lexica, and Grammatical Treatises, from Their Beginnings to the Byzantine Period. American Philological Association Classical Resource Series. New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007
Tomasz Mojsik, Between Tradition and Innovation: genealogy, names and the number of the Muses (Warsaw 2011); reviewed Penelope Murray, BMCR 2012.09.56
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: Christianity; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; mythology; poetry; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 1 October 2004@23:57:33.
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