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Adler number: mu,1260
Translated headword: Morsimos, Morsimus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Morsimos] and Melanthios[1],
Aristophanes attacks them both by speaking as follows: "Gorgons of gluttony, skate-scoping Harpies, loathsome hag-fuckers, goat-stench armpits, fish banes; expectorate [
kataxremyame/nh] a big, wide loogie on them, goddess Muse, and, come, have fun with me at the festival."[2]
Greek Original:*mo/rsimon kai\ *mela/nqion: a)/mfw diaba/llei *)aristofa/nhs le/gwn ou(/tws: *gorgo/nes o)yofa/goi, batidosko/poi *(/arpuiai, graioso/bai miaroi/, tragoma/sxaloi i)xquolu=mai: w(=n kataxremyame/nh me/ga kai\ platu/, *mou=sa qea/, met' e)mou= cu/mpaize th\n e(orth/n.
Diehl, “Morsimos” in RE 16 cols. 318-319.
Modrze, “Melanthios” in RE 16.1, col. 428-429.
Keywords: biography; comedy; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; history; poetry; religion; tragedy; women
Translated by: Wm. Blake Tyrrell on 21 January 2005@00:29:13.
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