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Adler number: mu,1259
Translated headword: mora
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Demosthenes in [the]
Philippics [sc. uses the word].[1] Certain Laconian formations are called thus. And
Aristotle says that there are six named moirai[sic] and all Lakedaimonians are divided between the moirai.[2] And
Xenophon says, in the
Constitution of the Lakedaimonians: "each of the citizen morai has one polemarch, four lochagoi, five pentekostyes, and sixteen enomotarchs".[3]
Greek Original:*morw=n: *dhmosqe/nhs e)n *filippikoi=s. sunta/gmata/ tina *lakwnika\ ou(/tw kalei=tai. fhsi\ de\ *)aristote/lhs, w(/s ei)si moi=rai e(\c w)nomasme/nai, kai\ dih/|rhntai ei)s ta\s moi/ras *lakedaimo/nioi pa/ntes. *cenofw=n de/ fhsin e)n th=| *lakw/nwn politei/a|: e(ka/sth de\ tw=n politikw=n morw=n e)/xei pole/marxon e(/na, loxagou\s d#, penthkostu/as h#, e)nnomota/rxas e(kkai/deka.
From Harpokration s.v.
mo/ran (sic: accusative singular, as in the primary source; in the Suda it has become genitive plural).
Demosthenes 13.22. (As regularly in the Suda and other lexica, this is "Philippics" in the broad ancient sense.) See also 23.198.
Aristotle fr. 540 Rose.
Lakedaimonion Politeia 11.4.
P.A. Cartledge, Agesilaos (London 1987) appendix 2
Keywords: constitution; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; rhetoric
Translated by: D. Graham J. Shipley on 16 October 2000@13:22:59.
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