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Headword: *mormw/
Adler number: mu,1252
Translated headword: Mormo
Vetting Status: high
One says [nominative] *mormw/, [genitive] *mormou=s, like Sappho.[1]. Also [nominative] *mormw/n, [genitive] *mormo/nos. Aristophanes [writes]: "I beg you, take the Mormo away from me." [Meaning] away the frightening things; for Mormo was frightening.[2] And elsewhere Aristophanes [writes]: "a Mormo for his courage!" [sc. This refers to] a mormolukeion, which they call Lamia; and thus also they would call frightening things. The [word] w(s is omitted, [i.e.] 'as Mormo', or it is formed adverbially, as if one said, 'Alas for courage!'[3]
Greek Original:
*mormw/: le/getai kai\ *mormw/, *mormou=s, w(s *sapfw/. kai\ *mormw/n, *mormo/nos. *)aristofa/nhs: a)ntibolw= s', a)pe/negke/ mou th\n *mormo/na. a)/po ta\ fobera/: fobera\ ga\r u(ph=rxen h( *mormw/. kai\ au)=qis *)aristofa/nhs: *mormw\ tou= qra/sous. mormolu/keion, h(\n le/gousi *lami/an: e)/legon de\ ou(/tw kai\ ta\ fobera/. lei/pei de\ to\ w(s, w(s *mormw/, h)\ e)pirrhmatikw=s e)cenh/nektai, w(s ei) e)/lege, feu= tou= qra/sous.
See LSJ s.v. *mormw/ ("she-monster, bogey ... used by nurses to frighten children"), and cf. already mu 1250, mu 1251.
[1] For Sappho see sigma 107, sigma 108 (and e.g. chi 99 for the genitive of her name).
[2] Aristophanes, Acharnians 582, with scholion.
[3] Aristophanes, Knights 693, with scholion. For Lamia see lambda 84.
Keywords: children; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; mythology; poetry; women
Translated by: Richard Rodriguez on 11 June 2009@23:43:52.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 12 June 2009@04:20:43.
David Whitehead on 27 May 2013@05:16:17.


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