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Search results for mu,1250 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,1250
Translated headword: fright-masks
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the masks of the tragedians. The masks of actors, which Dorians call gorgia. Whence also [is derived] the [verb] mormolu/casqai, [meaning] to frighten.[1]
"Appearance was the obstacle: a fright-mask of a face and a disruption of thought."[2]
Greek Original:*mormolu/keia: ta\ tw=n tragw|dw=n proswpei=a. ta\ tw=n u(pokritw=n proswpei=a, a(\ *dwriei=s go/rgia kalou=sin. e)/nqen kai\ to\ e)kfobh=sai mormolu/casqai. do/khsis h)=n to\ a)nti/maxon, mormolukei=on o)/yews kai\ dianoi/as kata/plhcis.
For the neuter headword, here in the plural (probably quoted from
Aristophanes), see generally LSJ s.v., which notes a primary sense of 'bogey, hobgoblin' besides the one illusrated here.
[1] For
gorgia see
gamma 389. This material also occurs in other lexica (see the references at
Photius mu530 Theodoridis), and various
scholia (notably to
Axiochus 364B).
[2] Theophylact Simocatta,
Histories 6.5.7.
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; philosophy; stagecraft; tragedy
Translated by: Richard Rodriguez on 2 June 2009@03:57:29.
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