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Search results for mu,1245 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,1245
Translated headword: Moxos, Moxus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A Lydian; [a man] who carried out many fine deeds and [sc. especially], when relieving Meles of his tyrannical rule,[1] ordered the Lydians to return a tenth, in accordance with what he had vowed, to the gods. They obeyed and, counting up their possessions, chose a tenth of everything and sacrificed it. As a result of this[2] a great drought[3] seized
Lydia. And he is said to have made many expeditions. And his glory was very great among the Lydians, both for courage and for justice. Having done these things, he set out for Krabos[4] and took it and plundered it, and taking the men to the nearby lake/marsh drowned them.[5]
Greek Original:*mo/cos, *ludo/s: o(\s polla\ kai\ kala\ e)rgasa/menos kai\ to\n *mh/lhn th=s turanni/dos kaqelw\n toi=s *ludoi=s parekeleu/sato th\n deka/thn a)podou=nai, kaq' o(\ hu)/cato, toi=s qeoi=s. oi( de\ e)pei/qonto kai\ a)pariqmou=ntes ta\ kth/mata e)ch/|roun deka/thn a(pa/ntwn kai\ kate/quon. e)k tou/tou me/gistos au)xmo\s katalamba/nei *ludi/an. kai\ polla\s stratia\s le/getai pepoih=sqai. kai\ h)=n au)tou= kle/os me/giston e)n *ludoi=s e)pi/ te a)ndrei/a| kai\ dikaiosu/nh|. tau=ta pra/cas e)pi\ th\n *kra/bon e)sta/lh kai\ tau/thn ei(=le kai\ e)po/rqhse, tou\s de\ a)nqrw/pous ei)s th\n plhsi/on li/mnhn a)gagw\n katepo/ntwse.
Nicolaus of Damascus [
nu 393] FGrH 90 F16; besides here, preserved in the
Excerpta de virtutibus made for Constantine Porphyrogenitus (1.338.17-27).
This 'Moxos/Moxus' is routinely identified with the man elsewhere called 'Mopsos/Mopsus' (
Xanthus [
xi 9] FGrH 765 F17 =
Deipnosophists 8.346E (8.37 Kaibel)); and the events related appear to belong in the eighth century BCE or earlier.
[1] The term seems to be used as a value-judgement here; Meles (on whom see the parenthesis in
Herodotus 1.84) was actually
Lydia's king at the time.
[2] Though the Suda and the
Excerpta both have
ek tou/tou, Jacoby printed his own emendation
e)pi\ tou/tou ["during his reign"], which makes better sense.
[3] Mss AV, as well as the
Excerpta, give "drought" (
au)xmo\s); GM have "struggle" (
[4] Mss GVM read Krambos; G also has Kambros. Mueller (in FHG) suggested Syrian Nerabos, the toponym in
Nicolaus' F17 immediately-following; and this finds some corroboration in F17 of
Xanthus (see above).
[5] "as godless men", adds the
Keywords: biography; economics; ethics; food; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; politics; religion
Translated by: Bethany Burklund on 29 July 2009@14:51:23.
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