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Search results for mu,1188 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,1188
Translated headword: mothons
Vetting Status: high
Translation: In
Aristophanes [this term means] worthless men; for the Laconians used to call boys who attended on free men 'mothones'. It is also a kind of dancing.
Greek Original:*mo/qwnes: para\ *)aristofa/nei oi( eu)telei=s: mo/qwnas ga\r e)ka/loun tou\s parepome/nous toi=s e)leuqe/rois pai=das oi( *la/kwnes. e)/sti de\ kai\ ge/nos o)rxh/sews.
See also
mu 1187,
sigma 630.
Wealth [Plutus] 279: 'you’re a
mo/qwn, by nature a rascal'. The
scholia to the line include an interesting, and probably more reliable, variant: 'the Laconians used to call boys who were
brought up together with free men
S. Hodkinson, Property and Wealth in Classical Sparta (London and Swansea, 2000), 336 and n. 2
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; ethics; geography; meter and music
Translated by: D. Graham J. Shipley on 14 July 2002@08:36:14.
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