[Meaning] one who is vulgar and dishonorable. Also a kind of dance [which is] disgraceful and fit for slaves, and vulgar.[1]
*mo/qwn: o( fortiko\s kai\ a)/timos. kai\ ei)=dos ai)sxra=s kai\ douloprepou=s o)rxh/sews, kai\ fortikh=s.
The term is said to refer originally to a child of Helots raised alongside the children of their Spartan overlords (see Herodian,
De prosodia catholica 3.1.28 (=
Choeroboscus 4.1.274);
Etymologicum Magnum 590.15; and under
mu 1188), but it became a general term of abuse, as well as the name of a dance (on which cf.
alpha 3033, and see LSJ s.v. II). The content of the present entry is drawn largely if not completely from the
scholia to
Plutus [
Wealth] 279, where the headword occurs. See also
scholia to
Knights 697. For similar lexicographical entries:
Pollux 4.101,
Photius mu499 Theodoridis,
Hesychius mu1543.
alpha 3033 and
mu 1188, cf. also
alpha 2863,
mu 1190 sigma 630.
[1] The last two words are lacking, Adler reports, in mss AFV.
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