[Meaning he/she/it] eats.
*mni/ei: e)sqi/ei.
The headword (evidently quoted from somewhere, though now attested only in lexica) is the third person singular, present indicative active, of the very rare verb
mni/ein. This entry also appears at
Hesychius mu1517 and
Photius mu490 Theodoridis; and cf. the grammarians Herodian and
Theognostus on the first person singular. The present infinitive, likewise, is glossed in
Hesychius kappa1269, which is an entry for its compound:
katamniei=: katapi/nei, katesqi/ei. *mni/ein ga\r to\ e)sqi/ein. Chantraine makes no comment on the etymology.
P. Chantraine, Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque, ed. 2 (2009) p. 681
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