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Search results for mu,1169 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,1169
Translated headword: remembrance, recollection
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] memory.[1]
"But have recollection of me also. Memory must be attached to a man, if, I suppose, he should experience something delightful [...] but if the remembrance of anyone who has received benefits falls away, in no way would this man be noble".[2]
And elsewhere: "a mother, disowning the remembrance of her birth pangs, killed her son who had left the battle after the destiny [= death] of companions".[3]
Greek Original:*mnh=stis: mnh/mh. a)ll' i)/sxe ka)mou= mnh=stin. a)ndri/ toi xrew\n mnh/mhn prosei=nai, terpno\n ei)/ ti pou pa/qoi. o(/tou d' a)porrei= mnh=stis eu)= peponqo/tos, ou)/pws ge/noit' a)\n ou(=tos eu)genh\s a)nh/r. kai\ au)=qis: mh/thr ui(=a lipo/nta ma/xhn meta\ po/tmon e(tai/rwn e)/ktanen w)di/nwn mnh=stin a)nhname/nh.
[1] From the
scholia to
Odyssey 13.280, where the headword occurs.
[2] Tecmessa to Ajax at
Ajax 520-1, 523-4 (web address 1). The quotation omits line 522:
xa/ris xa/rin ga/r e)stin h( ti/kous' a)ei/ "goodwill is the parent of goodwill always." Note that the headword appears in 520 (and 523) and the lemma's gloss in 521.
Greek Anthology 9.447.1-2 (Julianus of Egypt), on a Spartan mother's justice. For 'destiny' see
pi 2136.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: children; definition; epic; ethics; gender and sexuality; medicine; military affairs; poetry; tragedy; women
Translated by: Kyle Helms on 27 June 2009@16:59:35.
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