"They took no thought of the suitors of the office of consul; but they themselves chose someone with a long and excellent knowledge of wars and a champion of noble and admired deeds."
*mnhsth=ras: tou\s me\n th=s a)rxh=s th=s u(pa/tou mnhsth=ras par' ou)de\n e)poih/santo: ai(rou=ntai de\ au)toi\ pole/mwn eu)= ei)do/ta pa/lai kai\ gennai/wn kai\ perible/ptwn e)/rgwn a)gwnisth/n.
The headword, presumably extracted from the quotation given, is the accusative plural of the masculine noun
mnhsth/r (web address 1). This noun is commonly found in its literal sense in
Homer (e.g.
Odyssey 1.91) for Penelope's suitors. In the unidentifiable prose quotation given here, it has a figurative sense.
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