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Search results for mu,1127 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,1127
Translated headword: business-hater
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] one who is retiring and has chosen a quiet life-style.
"People have become accustomed to apply the name of virtue to the business-hating life, [but] it is not so, at least in my [sc. opinion]. For the virtue which is involved in the midst of the community with political deeds and words exercises the soul towards greater strength and prepares it better for testing, insofar as it is healthy and unified; but insofar as baseness and falsity lurks in human lives, this all is examined and made more ready for correction."[1]
Greek Original:*misopra/gmwn: o( h(su/xios kai\ h)/remon bi/on h(|rhme/nos. pefu/kasin oi( a)/nqrwpoi th=| misopra/gmoni zwh=| th\n a)reth\n e)pifhmi/zein, ou)x ou(/tws e)/xon, kata/ ge th\n e)mh/n: h( ga\r e)n me/sh| th=| politei/a| dia\ tw=n politikw=n e)/rgwn te kai\ lo/gwn a)nastrefome/nh a)reth\ gumna/zei te th\n yuxh\n pro\s to\ e)rrwmene/steron kai\ bebaiou=tai ma=llon e)pi\ th=s pei/ras, o(/son au)th=s u(gie/s te kai\ o(lo/klhron: o(/son de\ ki/bdhlon kai\ e)pi/plaston e)mfwleu/ei tai=s a)nqrwpi/nais zwai=s, tou=to pa=n diele/gxetai kai\ e(toimo/taton kaqi/statai pro\s dio/rqwsin.
Keywords: biography; daily life; definition; ethics; philosophy; politics
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 20 August 2003@01:36:10.
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