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Search results for mu,1116 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,1116
Translated headword: to earn pay
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A verb.
Agathias [writes]: "however many of them it gave pleasure to earn pay from the enemy for the betrayal of their own people, by divulging secrets, these did not realize the truth."[1]
Greek Original:*misqarnei=n: r(h=ma. *)agaqi/as: o(/sous de\ au)tw=n h)/reske misqarnei=n toi=s e)nanti/ois e)pi\ th=| tw=n oi)kei/wn prodosi/a|, e)ca/gein ta\ a)po/rrhta, ou(=toi to\ a)treke\s ou)k e)gi/nwskon.
[1] A close approximation of
Agathias Scholasticus,
Histories 66 Keydell (2.19 p. 106 Niebuhr); cf. Frendo (53-54). It refers to a ploy of the Sassanid commander Mermeroes (cf.
mu 637), who, in an attempt to force his way through a mountain pass in Armenia, had a rumor spread among his own troops about his own illness. This rumor made its way to the Byzantine garrison which consequently became lackadaisical, allowing the Sassanids to breach the pass; cf.
alpha 4485. For more on the headword see
alpha 3988; for related words, see
mu 1117,
mu 1119.
J.D. Frendo, trans., Agathias: The Histories, (Berlin 1975)
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; medicine; military affairs
Translated by: William Hutton on 26 July 2009@13:36:39.
Vetted by:Catharine Roth (added cross-reference, set status) on 26 July 2009@22:50:15.
David Whitehead (another x-ref; another keyword; cosmetics) on 27 July 2009@03:13:48.
David Whitehead on 24 May 2013@04:11:22.
Ronald Allen (tweaked n.1, added bibliography, added cross-references) on 12 November 2023@11:40:08.
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