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Adler number: mu,1107
Translated headword: mixing, mixture
Vetting Status: high
Translation: He who calls blending [kra=sis] the genus of mixing [mi/cis] is mistaken; for genus places [something] inside the species. In fact, mixing is something broader than blending, for if something is blended it is also mixed, but not everything which is mixed is blended. Certainly, the mixture of dry things is not a blending.[1] Mixing is different from blending.
Greek Original:*mi/cis: a(marta/nei o( le/gwn mi/cews th\n kra=sin ge/nos: to\ ge/nos ga\r u(poti/qhsi tw=| ei)/dei: e)pi\ ple/on ga/r ti h( mi/cis th=s kra/sews. ei) me\n ga/r ti ke/kratai, kai\ me/miktai: ou) mh\n pa=n memigme/non ke/kratai. h( me\n ga\r tw=n chrw=n mi/cis ou)k e)/sti kra=sis. e)/sti de\ h( mi/cis dia/foros th=s kra/sews.
[1] From Alexander of
Commentaries on Aristotle’s Topics 315.27-316, 1 (cf.
Topics 122b25). The genus should be inside the species (or the species should be placed under the genus) for, as
Aristotle has said a couple of lines before, what takes part in the genus is either the species or the individual (
Topics 122b20-21).
Keywords: definition; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 23 January 2004@12:36:17.
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