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Headword: *mi/nws
Adler number: mu,1092
Translated headword: Minos
Vetting Status: high
This man ruled the seas and sailed to all sorts of foreign [places] and commanded many [men]. Arriving in Asia and hearing of the great fame, in Phrygia, of Tros the king of Troy and of his sons, he went to the city of Dardanos where Tros lived. Tros had three sons: Ilos, Assarakos, and Ganymede, [the last] of whom had a great name for beauty. So Minos stayed as a guest with Tros, both giving and receiving presents, and he ordered Tros to summon his sons, so that he might see them and give them presents too. But Tros said that they had gone on a hunt. [So] Minos too wanted to hunt with them. At first [Tros] sent one of his attendants into the place where the boys were hunting, around the Granikos river;[1] but Minos, having sent out his ships a little beforehand to the river, came later to the sons and saw Ganymede and fell in love with him. And having given out orders to the Cretans and snatched the boy, he put him into the ship and sailed away. The place was called Harpagia.[2] Minos took the boy and went to Crete. The boy to ease his pain killed himself with a sword,[3] and Minos buried him in the temple. Hence, of course, it is said that Ganymede serves with Zeus.[4]
Greek Original:
*mi/nws: ou(=tos e)qalattokra/tei kai\ pantaxo/se e)/plei ceni/as te polloi=s e)ph/ggelen. a)fiko/menos de\ e)s th\n *)asi/an kai\ a)kou/wn kle/os me/ga e)n *frugi/a| tou= te *trwo\s th=s *troi/as basile/ws kai\ tw=n pai/dwn au)tou= h)=lqen e)s po/lin *da/rdanon, e)n h(=| w)/|kei o( *trw/s. h)=san d' au)tw=| trei=s pai=des, *)=ilos, *)assa/rakos, *ganumh/dhs: ou(= dh\ me/giston h)=n o)/noma ka/llous pe/ri. cenizo/menos ou)=n para\ to\n *trw=a o( *mi/nws kai\ dw=ra didou/s te kai\ dexo/menos e)ke/leuse tw=| *trwi\+ kalei=n tou\s pai=das, i(/n' au)tou\s i)/doi te kai\ dw=ra doi/h. o( de\ e)/fh e)s kunhge/sion e)sta/lqai. o( de\ kai\ au)to\s h)/qele cugkunhgei=n au)toi=s. prw=ton qerapo/ntwn cune/pemye/ tina e)s to\n xw=ron, i(/na oi( pai=des e)kunh/goun, peri\ to\n *graniko\n potamo/n: o( de\ *mi/nws ta\ ploi=a proekpe/myas e)s to\n potamo\n o)li/gon u(/steron h)=lqe pro\s tou\s pai=das kai\ to\n *ganumh/dhn qeasa/menos e)/rwti au)tou= e)/sxeto: e)gkeleusa/menos de\ toi=s *krhsi/n, a(rpa/sas to\n pai=da e)ne/qeto ei)s th\n nau=n kai\ a)pe/plei. o( de\ to/pos e)klh/qh *(arpagi/a: o( de\ *mi/nws e)/xwn to\n pai=da h)=lqen e)s *krh/thn. o( de\ pai=s kat' eu)pe/teian u(po\ lu/phs e(auto\n ci/fei dieirga/sato, kai\ au)to\n o( *mi/nws e)n tw=| naw=| e)/qayen. e)c ou(= dh\ kai\ le/getai *ganumh/dhn meta\ *dio\s u(pa/rxein.
For Minos -- OCD4 s.v. -- see already mu 1090 and mu 1091 (and again mu 1093).
The source of the present entry is unknown. Adler mentions, but rejects, Hemsterhuys' attribution of it to Nicolaus of Damascus; in her view the material is later.
[1] See gamma 454.
[2] Literally, Snatching-Place.
[3] cf. epsilon 3646.
[4] The more widespread (and straightforward) version of this myth had Ganymede abducted by Zeus himself. See generally OCD4 Ganymedes.
Keywords: aetiology; biography; children; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; military affairs; mythology; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 12 July 2000@18:09:07.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; added notes, bibliography, keywords) on 25 May 2001@05:30:42.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 28 February 2009@01:17:00.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaking) on 23 May 2013@08:23:32.
David Whitehead (updated 2 refs) on 9 August 2014@08:54:25.


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