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Search results for mu,1085 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,1085
Translated headword: we will smear with dung
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] we will befoul with excrement;[1] for
mi/nqos ["mint"][2] [is] a flower occuring in excrement, which goats enjoy. Alternatively human excrement [sc. is called]
mi/nqos, which the herdsmen use rubbing it [to prevent] the difficult sneezing of the goats. Or the dung of the goats is [so] called. When the goats catch cold, the herders are accustomed to take their dung and to rub their nostrils and thus incite sneezing with the stench and in this way to relieve their condition; for sneezing
cures the condition. So from this he is saying we will disgust you, since the goats also are disgusted by the dung.[3]
Greek Original:*minqw/somen: koprw/somen: mi/nqos ga\r a)/nqos e)n th=| ko/prw| gino/menon, w(=| xai/rousin oi( tra/goi. h)\ h( a)nqrwpi/nh ko/pros mi/nqos, h(=| xrw=ntai paratri/bontes oi( poime/nes tw=| dusergh/tw| tw=n tra/gwn ptarmw=|. h)\ h( ko/pros tw=n ai)gw=n le/getai. e)peida\n de\ oi( tra/goi yugmw=| peripe/swsin, ei)w/qasin oi( ai)po/loi lamba/nein th\n ko/pron au)tw=n kai\ xri/ein au)tw=n tou\s mukth=ras kai\ ou(/tw th=| duswdi/a| ptarmo\n kinei=n: tou/tw| de\ tw=| tro/pw| lu/ein to\ pa/qos: o( ga\r ptarmo\s qerapeu/ei to\ pa/qos. e)k tou/tou ou)=n fhsin, o(/ti a)hdi/some/n se: e)pei\ kai\ ai( ai)=ges e)k th=s ko/prou a)hdi/zontai.
[1] cf.
mu 1084.
[2] Usually
mi/nqa or
mu 1082,
mu 1083.
[3] From a scholion on
Plutus [
Wealth] 313, where the headword occurs: "we will smear (you) with dung, just like the nose of a goat" (web address 1).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: botany; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; medicine; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 23 July 2009@00:59:03.
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