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Search results for mu,1068 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,1068
Translated headword: [he] was like Miltiades and Aristeides
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Both these men were very great. For Aristeides was called 'just' and Miltiades was a general; he served as general at
Marathon.[1] The poet [sc.
Aristophanes] makes mention of the trophy at
Marathon because in the case of the other successes against the barbarians all of Greece was victorious, but the Athenians alone won the victory of
Greek Original:*miltia/dh| kai\ *)aristei/dh| e)w/|kei: a)mfo/teroi ou(=toi a)/ristoi e)ge/nonto. o( ga\r *)aristei/dhs di/kaios e)klh/qh, o( de\ *miltia/dhs strathgo/s: o(\s e)n *maraqw=ni e)strath/ghse. tou= de\ e)n *maraqw=ni tropai/ou me/mnhtai o( poihth/s, dio/ti ta\ me\n a)/lla katorqw/mata koinh=| pa=sa h( *(ella\s pepoi/hke kata\ tw=n barba/rwn, to\ de\ e)n *maraqw=ni mo/noi *)aqhnai=oi katw/rqwsan.
For this material (from
scholia to
Knights 1325 and 1334) see also
alpha 3903, end.
[1] For
Marathon (
mu 177), see principally:
Herodotus 6.102-103.1, 104-108.1, 109-117, 120, 9.27.5;
Thucydides 1.73.4;
Demosthenes 19.303 with scholion;
Rhetoric 1411a; Nepos,
Miltiades 4.2-6.4;
Diodorus Siculus 10.27, 11.2.2;
Aristeides 5.1-5.6,
Moralia 628E; and further sources and discussion in W.W. How and J. Wells,
A Commentary on Herodotus, vol. 2 (Oxford, 1928 [corr. from 1912]), 353-363.
Keywords: biography; comedy; ethics; history; military affairs
Translated by: Debra Hamel on 16 November 1998@23:21:24.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (added headword, notes, keyword; cosmetics) on 19 January 2001@11:01:32.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaking; raised status) on 23 May 2013@07:31:04.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 26 February 2015@10:22:13.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 9 September 2020@00:58:35.
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