*mikro/s ge mh=kos ou(=tos, a)lla\ pa=n kako/n. to\n *ni/karxo/n fhsin *)aristofa/nhs: kai\ mh\n o(di\ *ni/karxos e)/rxetai fanw=n. a)nti\ tou= kathgorh/swn: sukofa/nths ga\r h)=n.
The headword phrase is
Acharnians 909 (text at web address 1): the first half of it spoken (in dialect) by a visiting Boiotian, the second half added by Dikaiopolis. Scholiastic comment on the line, followed here, entails quoting the previous line, 908. Denunciation (phasis) was a specific procedure in Athenian law. See again at
phi 81.
Nikarchos is taken to be a real person by Attic prosopographers, but is otherwise unidentifiable.
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