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Adler number: mu,105
Translated headword: Mallius, Manlius
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A proper name.
[Note] that Manlius the consul, after his own son had fought a duel with Pontius the Latin and defeated the opponent, wreathed him as a brave man, but then axed his head off for violating his commands -- which [act], committed with savagery, naturally made the Romans most obedient to their leaders.
See under "dictator".[1]
Greek Original:*ma/llios: o)/noma ku/rion. o(/ti *ma/llios o( u(/patos to\n e(autou= pai=da monomaxh/santa *ponti/w| tw=| *lati/nw| kai\ katabalo/nta to\n a)nti/palon, w(s me\n a)riste/a e)stefa/nwsen, w(s de\ u(perba/nta ta\ e)c au)tou= tetagme/na e)pele/kisen: o(\ dh\ su\n w)mo/thti praxqe\n eu)peiqesta/tous toi=s a)/rxousi *(rwmai/ous kate/sthsen. zh/tei e)n tw=| dikta/twr.
[1] See
delta 1112 (where more information is given on Titus Manlius Imperiosus Torquatus), as well as
tau 791. The incident is mentioned in
Dionysius of Halicarnassus,
Roman Antiquities 8.79,2 and in detail in Livy 8.7 (where the opponent is called
Geminus Maecius, a Tusculan): during the Latin War of Rome against the Latin League, Manlius executed his son for raiding the Latins despite orders not to leave camp. The wording is from
Fabius Maximus 9.2 (
a)risteu/santos kai\ stefanwqe/ntos a)poko/yas pele/kei to\n tra/xhlon;
Dionysius has "excelling" and "wreathed", but not the axe). The introduction to the story of a duel is alluded to in a marginal note in Constantine Porphyrogenitus,
De insidiis p. 222 de Boor, preserving
Dionysius of Halicarnassus 15.4: "See in On Strategems and Deliberative Speeches, concerning the son of Manlius who duelled."]
"Pontius the Latin" may be a reference to the Samnite leader Herennius Pontius, who was active at the time of the First Samnite War (interrupted by the Latin War). (Herennius is known for his exchange with his son Gaius Pontius during the Second Samnite War, recorded in Livy 9.3.)
Keywords: biography; chronology; definition; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 9 April 2009@12:12:33.
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