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Search results for mu,1045 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,1045
Translated headword: Mithras', of Mithras
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "The Persians believe the sun to be Mithras and they offer to him many sacrifices".
"[...] so no one would be able to be initiated into his cult, unless, going through some steps of ordeals, he shows himself holy and free from passion".
Greek Original:*mi/qrou: *mi/qran nomi/zousin ei)=nai oi( *pe/rsai to\n h(/lion kai\ tou/tw| qu/ousi polla\s qusi/as. ou)k a)\n ou)=n ei)s au)to\n dunh/saito/ tis telesqh=nai, ei) mh\ dia/ tinwn baqmw=n parelqw\n tw=n kola/sewn dei/cei e(auto\n o(/sion kai\ a)paqh=.
The headword is genitive singular of the name of the Indo-Iranian god Mithras. (On Mithras, and Mithraism, see generally Roger Beck in OCD(4) s.v.) It must be quoted from somewhere: there are instances in e.g.
Alexander 30.8 (Dareios invokes 'the great light of Mithras') but the present one appears to come from Gregory of Nazianzus' speech 1
Against Julian. Both of the quotations here -- the first of them also in other lexica (see the references at
Photius mu446 Theodoridis) -- come from ps.-
Scholia mythologica, on Greg.Naz.(PG 36.1009d and 989d).
Keywords: Christianity; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; historiography; mythology; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 27 May 2004@18:48:05.
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