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Search results for mu,1027 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,1027
Translated headword: defiled
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning they who are] unpleasant, disgusting. "The dragon came forward from the inner sanctum and licked the blood off them and cleansed the wounds, so that they would never be looked on as defiled from the filth."[1]
Aristophanes [writes]:[2]
-- O defiled one, and rascal, and shameless, you, and defiled and totally defiled and most defiled, how did you come up here, o most defiled of the defiled. What on earth is your name, will you not say?
-- Most defiled.
-- What sort are you by birth? Tell me.
-- Most defiled.
[one exchange is omitted here]
-- There is no way you will escape death if you don't reveal your name to me, whatever it might be, most defiled.
-- Trygaios of [the deme] Athmonon, a skilled vine-worker, not an informer or a lover of trouble-making.
-- And for what have you come?
-- To bring you this meat.
-- O wretchedly Kronos' son [...].[3]
-- O stingy one [do you see] how I no longer seem most defiled to you?
Greek Original:*miaroi/: a)hdei=s, bdeluktoi/. o( de\ dra/kwn proelqw\n a)/ra tou= a)du/tou to/ te ai(=ma au)tw=n e)celixmh/sato kai\ e)ka/qhre ta\s plhga/s, i(/na mh/pot' a)/ra e)k tou= lu/qrou miaroi\ ble/pwntai. kai\ *)aristofa/nhs: w)= miare\ kai\ tolmhre\ ka)nai/sxunte su\ kai\ miare\ kai\ pammi/are kai\ miarw/tate, pw=s deu=r' a)nh=lqes, w)= miarw=n miarw/tate; ti/ soi/ pot' e)/st' o)/nom', ou)k e)rei=s: miarw/tatos. podapo\s ge/nos ei)=; fra/ze moi miarw/tatos. ou)/ toi, ma\ th\n gh=n, e)/sq' o(/pws ou)k a)poqanh=|, ei) mh\ katerei=s moi tou)/nom', o(/ ti po/t' e)sti/ soi. miarw/tate. *trugai=os, *)aqmoneu/s, a)mpelourgo\s decio/s, ou) sukofa/nths ou)d' e)rasth\s pragma/twn. h(/keis de\ kata\ ti/; ta\ kre/a tauti/ soi fe/rwn. w)= deila\ kroni/wn: w)= gli/sxrwn, w(s ou)k e)/t' ei)=nai/ soi dokw= miarw/tatos.
The headword, a nominative plural, is perhaps (though not necessarily) extracted from the first quotation given.
cf. generally
mu 1026.
Aelian fr. 85b Domingo-Forasté (part of 82 Hercher).
[2] A slightly lacunose and inaccurate quotation of a patch of dialogue (between Hermes and Trygaios) from
Peace 182-194 (web address 1); cf.
gamma 288,
delta 310,
tau 743,
tau 1090.
[3] This meaningless phrase (
w)= deila\ kroni/wn) is a mistake for
w)= deila/kriwn ('o poor wretch!').
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: agriculture; botany; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; geography; mythology; poetry; religion; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 20 July 2009@02:19:50.
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