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Search results for mu,1025 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,1025
Translated headword: foul head
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. A phrase] just like "beloved head".[1] From the leading part of the body, it means the [sc. whole] man, as in
Homer: "Teucer, beloved head".[2] Also, "for such a head".[3] And in
Demosthenes: "and these, o foul head".[4] And elsewhere: "o wretch and parricide and house-breaker!" And he answers: "say the same things of me again, and more. Do you know that I take pleasure in being much abused?".[5]
Aelian [writes][6]: "it is not right for a good man or a god to receive gifts from someone defiled. Therefore all the great labor that impious men spend upon the gods is in vain, but that of the pious is most profitable to them all".
Plato says [this].[7]
Greek Original:*miara\ kefalh/: w(/sper fi/lh kefalh/. e)k tou= h(gemonikou= me/rous tou= sw/matos dhloi= to\n a)/ndra, paraplhsi/ws *(omh/rw|: *teu=kre, fi/lh kefalh/. kai/, toi/hn ga\r kefalh/n. kai\ para\ *dhmosqe/nei: kai\ tau=t', w)= miara\ kefalh/. kai\ au)=qis: w)= miare\ kai\ patraloi/a kai\ toixwru/xe. o( de/ fhsin: au)=qis meta\ tau=ta kai\ plei/w le/ge. a)=r' oi)=sq' o(/ti xai/rw po/ll' a)kou/wn kaka/; *ai)liano/s: para\ de\ miarou= dw=ra ou)/te a)/ndra a)gaqo\n ou)/te qeo\n e)/sti pote\ to/ ge o)rqo\n de/xesqai. ma/thn ou)=n peri\ qew=n o( polu/s e)sti po/nos toi=s a)nosi/ois, toi=s de\ o(si/ois eu)kairo/tatos. *pla/twn fhsi/.
Apart from the quotations in the entry, the headword phrase is also attested in
Acharnians 285 (web address 1); the entry derives from the corresponding
phi 324.
Iliad 8.281 (web address 2).
Odyssey 1.343 and 11.549 (web addresses 3 and 4).
Demosthenes 21.117, cf. 135 and 195 (web addresses 5 and 6); also 18.153.
Clouds 1327-1329 (web address 7); cf.
lambda 59.
[6] No: the quotation that follows is from
Plato (see next note). Gaisford suggested that the mention of
Aelian is displaced from
mu 1027.
Laws 4.716E-717A (web address 8).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3,
Web address 4,
Web address 5,
Web address 6,
Web address 7,
Web address 8
Keywords: comedy; definition; epic; ethics; imagery; philosophy; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Ioannis Doukas on 16 July 2009@09:08:29.
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