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Adler number: mu,1011
Translated headword: Metrophanes
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Offspring of Lachares.[1] When he was still a little child he announced with a cry 'I myself', he said, 'am
Aristophanes the bald'[2] - though he had not yet been taught anything of that kind. When those who heard him questioned him about what he meant, he insisted that he did not understand anything of what had been said. The sophist Superianus[3] wrote a speech against this Metrophanes.
Greek Original:*mhtrofa/nhs, e)/kgonos *laxa/rou. w)\n de\ e)n paisi\n e)/ti nh/pios a)nefqe/gcato bow=n: e)gw/ ei)mi, e)/fh, *)aristofa/nhs o( falakro/s, ou)/pw ti tw=n toiou/twn a)khkow/s. e)pei\ de\ oi( a)kou/santes a)ne/krinon o(/ ti ei)/poi, mhde\n ei)de/nai tw=n ei)rhme/nwn dii+sxuri/zeto. kata\ tou/tou tou= *mhtrofa/nous e)/graye lo/gon *souphriano\s o( sofisth/s.
RE Metrophanes(6); PLRE II Metrophanes. Source of the present entry:
Life of Isidore fr. 141 Zintzen.
For homonyms see
mu 1009,
mu 1010.
lambda 165: Lachares.
Aristophanes [
alpha 3932] alludes to his own baldness several times:
Knights 550,
Clouds 540 with 545,
Peace 767-73; and cf.
Eupolis fr. 78 Kock, now 89 K.-A.
sigma 799: Superianus.
Keywords: biography; children; comedy; medicine; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 11 June 2002@22:50:44.
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