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Search results for mu,1004 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,1004
Translated headword: mother-striker
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] one who strikes his mother. Also [sc. attested is] "mother-beater", [meaning] the same.[1]
Interpretation of a dream: to embrace [one's] mother, this [is] good in a dream.[2]
Greek Original:*mhtraloi/as: o( th\n mhte/ra tu/ptwn. kai\ *mhtrolw/|as, o( au)to/s. lu/sis o)nei/rou: mhtri\ plakh=nai kalo\n ei)s o)/nar to/de.
[1] Thus far the entry =
Photius mu424 Theodoridis; cf.
Hesychius mu1292. The secondary headword
mhtrolw/|as (attested in e.g.
1 Timothy 1:9), translated here as "mother-beater", is in fact an orthographic variant for the primary one,
mhtraloi/as (attested in e.g.
Lysias and
Plato). For yet another mother-abuse word see
mu 1007.
[2] From the dream-interpretations, in verse, ascribed to
Astrampsychus (
alpha 4251); cf.
pi 1250.
Keywords: children; Christianity; definition; dreams; ethics; gender and sexuality; imagery; law; meter and music; philosophy; poetry; rhetoric; tragedy; women
Translated by: Max Eager on 24 June 2009@14:19:01.
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