*mh\ to\n e)mo\n oi)/kei nou=n: e)/xeis ga\r oi)ki/an: para\ to\ e)n *)androma/xh| *eu)ripi/dou. h)\ ou(/tws: mh\ to\n e)mo\n oi)/kei nou=n: e)gw\ ga\r a)rke/sw.
Frogs 105, with scholion.
[1] As Adler notes, 'Matthiae' [= the
Euripides editor August Matthiae, 1769-1835] proposed emending '
Andromache' to
Andromeda (see next note), presumably on the basis that these words do not occur in
Euripides' surviving
Andromache. But K.J. Dover in his
Frogs edition cites line 237 of that play:
o( nou=s o( so/s moi mh\ cunoikoi/h "May your way of thought never come to dwell with me, woman!" (Kovacs' translation).
Euripides fr. 144 (
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