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Search results for lambda,87 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,87
Translated headword: lint-bandage round the ankle
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Some [sc. explain this as] a light glove, some as a kind of outer bandage, some as the doctors' splint [for] putting the ankle in a splint, some as field-plasters.
Aristophanes [writes]: "a lint-bandage round the ankle; the man has been wounded by a vine-prop while leaping over a trench".[1]
"The emperor Trajan used to care for those who had been wounded in war. With the lack of outer bandages he did not even spare his own clothing, but would cut it all up into lint-bandages."[2]
The light produced from torches during wartime is called a beacon.[3]
Greek Original:*lampa/dion peri\ to\ sfuro/n: oi( me\n to\ lepto\n xeiri/dion, oi( de\ e)pide/smou ei)=dos, oi( de\ to\n na/rqhka tw=n i)atrw=n to\n narqhki/zonta to\ sfuro/n, oi( de\ ta\ e)/mmota. *)aristofa/nhs: lampa/da peri\ to\ sfuro/n: a(nh\r te/trwtai xa/raki diaphdw=n ta/fron. o(/ti *traiano\s o( basileu\s tou\s tetrwme/nous e)n pole/mw| e)qera/peuen. e)pileipo/ntwn de\ sfa=s tw=n e)pide/smwn ou)de\ th=s e(autou= e)sqh=tos e)fei/sato, a)ll' ei)s ta\ lampa/dia au)th\n kate/teme pa=san. o(/ti h( dia\ tw=n da/|dwn ginome/nh e)n pole/mois lampa\s frukto\s kalei=tai.
Keywords: biography; clothing; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; history; medicine; military affairs; science and technology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 19 January 2007@04:41:28.
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