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Adler number: lambda,825
Translated headword: Lykourgos, Lycurgus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Lykourgos,] son of Lykophron, an Athenian, member of the Eteoboutadai clan, one of the orators selected to join
Demosthenes.[1] Irreproachable during his life[2], he died of a disease and left sons; but after they had become the object of malicious prosecution, the orator
Demosthenes spoke [on their behalf] from exile and rescued them. The authentic speeches of Lykourgos, as preserved, are:
Against Aristogeiton,
Against Autolykos,
Against Leokrates,[3]
Against Lykophron - two,
Against Pasikles,
Against Menaichmos,[4]
Against Demades,
Defence of himself,
In support of the accounts,
In reply to Ischyrias,
On the prophecy,
On the administration,
On the priestess,
On the priesthood. [There are also] letters; and other things.
Greek Original:*lukou=rgos, *luko/fronos, *)aqhnai=os, to\ ge/nos *)eteobouta/dhs, tw=n meta\ *dhmosqe/nous e)gkriqe/ntwn r(hto/rwn. a)ne/gklhtos de\ biou\s teleuta=| no/sw| ui(ou\s katalipw/n: u(pe\r w(=n sukofanthqe/ntwn *dhmosqe/nhs o( r(h/twr a)po\ th=s fugh=s ei)pw\n e)cei=len au)tou/s. lo/goi de\ au)tou= ei)sin gnh/sioi oi( sw|zo/menoi: *kata\ *)aristogei/tonos, *kata\ *au)tolu/kou, *kata\ *lewkra/tous, *kata\ *luko/fronos b#, *kata\ *pasikle/ous, *kata\ *menai/xmou, *kata\ *dhma/dou, *)apologi/a pro\s to\n au)to\n, *(upe\r tw=n eu)qunw=n, *pro\s *)isxuri/an, *pro\s ta\s mantei/as, *peri\ th=s dioikh/sews, *peri\ th=s i(erei/as, *peri\ th=s i(erwsu/nhs. e)pistolai/: kai\ a)/lla tina.
c.390-c.325/4 BCE. See generally OCD4
Lycurgus(3); and the Teubner text (1970) by N.C. Conomis.
[1] In the hellenistic "Canon" of Ten Attic Orators.
[2] The transmitted text actually says lives.
[3] The only one still extant in full (web address 1).
[4] Menesaikhmos/Menesaechmus, rather; cf.
pi 2191,
pi 2420 (end).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; ethics; geography; history; law; medicine; religion; rhetoric; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 12 September 2001@08:44:31.
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