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Search results for lambda,808 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,808
Translated headword: Lykis
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Also spoken of as Lykos.[1] He was the target of comedy on the basis of being a frigid poet.
Aristophanes [writes] : "why on earth should I have carried these bags, if I shall be doing none of the things
Phrynichus created, and Lykis and Ameipsias". So these men [are] the three sub-frigid comic poets. Phrynichos used to be the butt of vulgar jokes in the comedies on each count [sc. of three]: he was lampooned for being a foreigner who wrote poor verses and for using alien words and for bad metre. There were three other Phrynichuses too. "Comedy is full of men carrying baggage".
Greek Original:*lu/kis: le/getai kai\ *lu/kos. kwmw|dei=tai de\ w(s yuxro\s poihth/s. *)aristofa/nhs: ti/ dh=t' e)/dei me tau=ta ta\ skeu/h fe/rein, ei)/per poih/sw mhde\n w(=nper *fru/nixos pepoi/hke kai\ *lu/kis ka)meiyi/as. ou(=toi ou)=n oi( trei=s kwmikoi\ u(po/yuxroi. o( de\ *fru/nixos e)n tai=s kwmw|di/ais par' e(/kasta e)fortikeu/eto. kwmw|dei=tai de\ kai\ w(s ce/nos e)pi\ faulo/thti poihma/twn kai\ w(s a)llo/tria le/gwn kai\ w(s kako/metra. e)ge/nonto de\ kai\ a)/lloi trei=s *fru/nixoi. skeuhforou=s' e(ka/stot' e)n kwmw|di/a|.
Frogs 12-15 (web address 1), with comment from the
scholia there.
For Ameipsias see
alpha 1572; for
phi 763.
[1] The discrepancy is left unresolved by external evidence, which merely attests a comic poet of the period named Lyk[--] (IG II(2) 2325.65).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; comedy; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; meter and music; poetry
Translated by: David Whitehead on 13 July 2005@10:37:27.
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