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Adler number: lambda,797
Translated headword: Lykaon, Lukaon, Lycaon
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Lykaon,] the son of Pelasgos, king of the Arcadians, justly guarded the instructions of his father. And because he too wanted to keep his subjects from injustice he said that Zeus came to him all the time, in the guise of a mortal guest, to inspect both the just and unjust. And one time, preparing to entertain the god [at dinner] (as he put it), he made a sacrifice.[1] Those present at the sacrifice wanted to know whether they really were going to having a god as their guest; and, since Lycaon had fifty sons, as they say, from many wives, they sacrificed one of his children and mixed him in with the meat of the sacrifice, so that they would not fail to learn whether a god was really coming. Then great storms and lightning strikes were sent by the divine, and they say all the child’s murderers perished.
Greek Original:*luka/wn, o( *pelasgou= ui(o\s, basileu\s *)arka/dwn, e)fu/latte ta\ tou= patro\s ei)shgh/mata e)n dikaiosu/nh|. a)posth=sai de\ boulo/menos kai\ au)to\s th=s a)diki/as tou\s a)rxome/nous e)/fh to\n *di/a e(ka/stote foita=n par' au)to\n, a)ndri\ ce/nw| o(moiou/menon, ei)s e)/poyin tw=n dikai/wn te kai\ a)di/kwn. kai/ poq', w(s au)to\s e)/fh, me/llwn u(pode/xesqai to\n qeo/n, qusi/an e)pitelei=n. tw=n de\ ui(w=n au)tou= penth/konta w(/s fasin o)/ntwn e)k pollw=n gunaikw=n, boulo/menoi gnw=nai oi( th=| qusi/a| paro/ntes, ei) tw=| o)/nti qeo\n me/llousi cenodoxei=n, qu/sante/s tina pai=da e)gkate/mican toi=s tou= i(erei/ou kre/asin, w(s ou) lh/sontes, ei)/per o)/ntws qeo\s e)/peisin. u(po\ de\ tou= daimoni/ou xeimw/nwn mega/lwn kai\ keraunw=n r(age/ntwn, fasi\ tou\s au)to/xeiras a(/pantas tou= paido\s a)pole/sqai.
Greek mythology knew of three men called Lykaon (see OCD(4) s.v. Lycaon): a son of Priam killed at
Troy by Achilles in
Iliad 21.34-135; another Trojan, the father of Pandaros (
Iliad 2.826-7); and the Arkadian king of the present entry.
This version of the Lykaon myth is
Nicolaus of Damascus FGrH 90 F38 (preserved in Constantinus VII Porphyrogenitus,
On Virtues and Vices 1.340). In this version the impiety of Lykaon's people is emphasized; in other versions Lykaon himself is the impious figure and is punished by being turned into the wolf (
lykos) which echoes his name.
Apollodorus, also, credits him with 'fifty' sons, though
Pausanias (8.3.1-5) could name only 28.
For the myth and primary source references, see Graves (1955), sect. 38. For general bibliography on Greek myth see web address 1, and for primary source citations and translations of key passages concerning myths see the Theoi site at web address 2.
[1] The transmitted text of this short sentence has no main verb, but Jacoby notes the proposal of Va(lckenaer) to emend the closing infinitive
e)pitelei=n to
Graves, R. The Greek Myths, 2 vols., George Braziller: New York, 1955
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; children; ethics; food; geography; historiography; mythology; religion; women
Translated by: Abram Ring on 23 February 2006@19:18:27.
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