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Search results for lambda,780 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,780
Translated headword: withy
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the fibrous plant [of that name].[1]
Homer [writes]: "he bound [them] with pliant withies."[2]
And Arrian [writes]: "since the crossing seemed impossible for them, Brut[t]ius brought together the natives and ordered them to lead the way, in the manner in which they were accustomed amongst themselves to make a journey in wintertime. Having bound discs [made] out of withies on their feet, they themselves proceeded safely across the snow, compressed [sc. as it was] by the discs, and they also provided an easy passage for the Romans. In many places the snow was about 16 feet deep."[3]
Greek Original:*lu/gos: to\ i(mantw=des futo/n. *(/omhros: dei/dh mo/sxoisi lu/goisi. kai\ *)arriano/s: w(s de\ a)/poros au)toi=s h( dia/basis e)fai/neto, cunagagw\n o( *brou/tios tou\s e)pixwri/ous keleu/ei h(gei=sqai th\n o(do\n, o(/pws ei)w/qeisan au)toi\ par' a)llh/lous foita=n w(/ra| xeimw=nos. oi( de\ ku/klous e)k lu/gwn toi=s posi\ periarmo/santes au)toi/ te a)blabw=s e)ph/rxonto kata\ th=s xio/nos piezome/nhs u(po\ tw=n ku/klwn kai\ toi=s *(rwmai/ois parei=xon ou) xaleph\n th\n pa/rodon. h)=n de\ h( xiw\n w(s i#2# po/das pollaxh= to\ ba/qos.
[1] The headword appears already with the same gloss under
lambda 771. Ultimately this material comes from commentary to
Homer (see next note); cf.
Hesychius lambda1345, lambda1344;
Synagoge lambda158;
Lexicon lambda434 and lambda430 Theodoridis.
Iliad 11.105 (of Achilles once capturing two of Priam's sons: web address 1); cf.
Odyssey 9.427 (web address 2)
[3] Arrian,
Parthica fr. 85 Roos-Wirth (FGrH 156 F153). 'Brut[t]ius' is the well-attested C. Bruttius Praesens, at this time (winter 114/115) in command of Legio VI Ferrata in Trajan's Parthian campaign. The action described probably occurs in the mountains of Armenia.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; botany; clothing; daily life; definition; epic; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; poetry; science and technology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 26 June 2009@09:20:45.
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