This man was a brother of Idas;[1] but
Aristophanes in
Danaids [makes him] a son of Aigyptos.[2] He was the sharpest-eyed by such a long way[3] that he was able to see, through a fir, Kastor treacherously murder his brother, as
Pindar says.[4] And Apollonius in
Argonautica [writes]: "if the story is indeed true, that that man could easily see even below the earth".[5]
*lugke/ws o)cuwpe/steron ble/pein: ou(=tos e)ge/neto a)delfo\s *)/ida: o( de\ *)aristofa/nhs e)n *danai/+sin ui(o\s *ai)gu/ptou. tosou=ton de\ o)cuwpe/statos h)=n, w(s di' e)la/ths i)dei=n *ka/stora dolofonh/santa to\n a)delfo/n, w(/s fhsi *pi/ndaros. kai\ *)apollw/nios e)n *)argonau/tais: ei) e)teo/n ge pe/lei kle/os, a)ne/ra kei=non r(hi+di/ws kai\ e)/nerqen u(po\ xqono\s au)ga/zesqai.
The proverbial phrase which provides the present headword is employed in
Plutus [
Wealth] 210, the
scholia to which are drawn upon here; cf. also
Aristophanes fr.260.
[1] The sons of Aphareus (cousins of Kastor and Polydeukes, the Dioskouroi).
[2] This is a different Lynkeus, king of Argos [
Place] (
Nemean 10.12: web address 1) and husband of Hypermnestra, who spares him when she and her sister Danaids (daughters of Danaos) are instructed to kill their husbands (all sons of Aigyptos) by their father. Cf. ps.-
Bibliotheca 2.1.5 (web address 2).
[3] His sharp sight becomes proverbial, as in the headword phrase. Cf.
Appendix Proverbiorum 3.71.2
*Lugke/ws o)cu/teron ble/pei ["he sees more acutely than Lynkeus"].
[4] This is odd.
Pindar in
Nemean 10.60ff. (web address 1) tells of Idas killing Kastor after Lynkeus has seen Kastor (and possibly Polydeukes: text and interpretation uncertain, cf. the
scholia to
Nemean 10.114a) hiding in an oak.
Kypria F15 Bernabé has Lynkeus see both Kastor and Polydeukes hiding in an oak, while the summary of the
Kypria in
Chrestomathy 108ff. also has Idas kill Kastor. Although Kastor kills Lynkeus in
Idylls 22.193ff., there is no mention of Lynkeus seeing through a tree. Should the aorist participle
dolofonh/santa be emended to the future
dolofonh/sonta ["intending/about to murder treacherously"]? This would tally with the version in the
scholia to
Nemean 10.114b -- where Lynkeus sees Kastor waiting in ambush for Idas, and tells Idas, who wounds Kastor with a spear -- and ps.-
Bibliotheca 3.11.2 (web address 3) where Lynkeus sees Kastor and Polydeukes waiting in ambush, and tells Idas, who kills Kastor.
[5] Apollonius Rhodius,
Argonautica 1.154-5.
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