*lu/gisma: ai)sxra\ fwnh/, bdeluro\n a)=|sma: o(\ le/gousin *)alecandrei=s. *lugi/zei. o( de\ e)/kampten w)|da/s, o(po/sas o( *ne/rwn e)lu/gize/ te kai\ e)/strefe.
The headword, a neuter noun (again
lambda 773), is primarily a medical term (see LSJ s.v.); as such it appears in Galen several times as well as in
Dioscorides Pedanius and others; but see further, next note.
[1] cf.
iota 83, where
i)/gdisma (sic: "pounding; a dance in which the loins were moved like a pestle": LSJ s.v. at web address 1) is glossed as
lo/gisma ("reckoning") but the variant
lu/gisma seems more likely. See also the entry for
i)/gdisma in ps.-
Zonaras iota1085:
lu/gisma o)rxhstiko\n, e)n w(=| e)lu/gizon th\n o)sfu\n e)mferw=s tw=| doi/duki. "A twisting dance, in which they used to twist the groin similarly to a pestle."
lu/gisma and
a)=|sma appear together at Gregory of Nazianzus,
Against Julian 2.5 (PG 35,709:
a)nala/bwmen u(/mnous a)nti\ tumpa/nwn, yalmw|di/an a)nti\ tw=n ai)sxrw=n lugisma/twn te kai\ a)|sma/twn, "let us take up hymns instead of kettledrums, harp-playing instead of the base sprains and songs."
[2] Also in
Photius (lambda429 Theodoridis); evidently quoted from somewhere. For this verb cf. in any event
lambda 771.
Life of Apollonius of Tyana 4.39 (also at
kappa 294). Note that in that text the quotation is slightly different:
...o(po/sas *ne/rwn e)lu/gize/ te kai\ kakw=s e)/strefen, "... as many as Nero was twisting and
badly torturing."
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