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Search results for lambda,766 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,766
Translated headword: twilight
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] dark [things]. "For she [Artemis] appeared to her [Hegelochia] next to the threads of the loom, like twilight of fire".[1]
Greek Original:*lu/ga: skoteina/. e)fa/nh ga/r oi( au)ta\ i(stou= para\ kro/kaisin w(s lu/ga puro/s.
The headword seems to be the neuter nominative/accusative plural of an adjective
lu/gos, equivalent to
lugai=os; but in the quotation which follows it is a Doric form of the feminine noun
lu/gh (LSJ s.v.: web address 1). See also
lambda 770.
Greek Anthology 6.266.3-4 (
Hegesippus); cf.
epsilon 3119. Note that Paton's Loeb does not follow the indirect tradition as given in the present entry; instead, Paton prints the simile
w(s au)ga\ puro/s "like light of fire".
Paton, W.R. 1916. The Greek Anthology v.1. London and New York
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: clothing; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; gender and sexuality; imagery; poetry; religion; trade and manufacture; women
Translated by: Kyle Helms on 29 June 2009@18:13:50.
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