[Meaning] those who not only defile themselves but also share their defilement with others.
*loimoi/: oi( mh\ mo/non sfa=s au(tou\s lumaino/menoi, a)lla\ kai\ e(te/rois th=s lu/mhs metadido/ntes.
Theodoret (PG 80, 869a) on
Psalm 1:1
LXX ("Blessed is he who ... did not sit in the seat of the
For the use of the headword
loimo/s in application to people, see generally LSJ s.v. It is possible that there has been some confusion between the stems of
loimo/s and
lu/mh, which were homophonous in Byzantine Greek.
lambda 757,
lambda 758 (and under
sigma 897).
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