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Search results for lambda,718 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,718
Translated headword: company, troop
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] an ambush, [sc. or] a [military] unit.[1]
Aristophanes [writes]: "know that also with us, inside, are 4 companies of warlike men, fully-armed."[2] [sc. The number 4 is chosen] because also among [the] Lacedaemonians there were 4 companies, which the king had made use of.[3]
Greek Original:*lo/xos: e)ne/dra, ta/cis. *)aristofa/nhs: gnw/sesq', o(/ti kai\ par' h(mi=n ei)si\ lo/xoi d# maxi/mwn a)ndrw=n e)/ndon e)cwplisme/nwn. dio/ti kai\ para\ *lakedaimoni/ois u(ph=rxon d# lo/xoi, oi(=s e)ke/xrhto o( basileu/s.
[1] For these twin senses of the headword
lo/xos (again
lambda 719) see LSJ s.v.
Lysistrata 451-454 (web address 1)-- here ludicrously misquoted: for 'men', read women.
[3] Abridged from the
scholia thereto.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; gender and sexuality; geography; history; military affairs; poetry; women
Translated by: Richard Rodriguez on 21 June 2009@22:59:39.
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