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Search results for lambda,715 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,715
Translated headword: thicket, undergrowth
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A saying: "you're carrying a lot of undergrowth". Meaning you should be depilated. This Phormion was hairy and had swarthy buttocks.
Greek Original:*lo/xmh: paroimi/a: lo/xmhn pollh\n forei=s. a)nti\ tilqh/sh|. ou(=tos de\ o( *formi/wn trixw/dhs h)=n kai\ puga\s melai/nas ei)=xe.
Lysistrata 800, where the quoted phrase occurs (and Phormion is mentioned in line 804; comment from the
scholia to both of these lines). The reference is specifically to pubic hair: see Henderson ad loc.
Not (despite what is implied here) taken up by the paroemiographers.
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; gender and sexuality; medicine; proverbs
Translated by: Richard Rodriguez on 23 June 2009@00:32:07.
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