Suda On Line
Search results for lambda,713 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,713
Translated headword: thickets
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] densely-planted places.
Aristophanes [writes]: "I have armpits denser than a thicket, as was agreed."[1] The women grew out [their] hair, so that, whenever they voted, they would look like men.[2] Also, "having rubbed oil upon [her] entire body during the day"[3] she warmed herself in the sun in order to become tanned like a man.[4]
Greek Original:*lo/xmas: sumfu/tous to/pous. *)aristofa/nhs: e)/xw ta\s masxa/las lo/xmhs dasute/ras, w(/sper h)=n cugkei/menon. e)/qreyan ai( gunai=kes tri/xas, i(/n', o(/tan xeirotonw=si, dokw=sin a)/ndres ei)=nai. kai/, a)leiyame/nh to\ sw=m' o(/lon di' h(me/ras e)xliai/neto pro\s to\n h(/lion w(/ste melanqh=nai w(s a)nh/r.
The headword, evidently quoted from somewhere, is the accusative plural of
lo/xmh (
lambda 715,
lambda 716).
Ecclesiazusae 60-61 (with
kaqa/per for the Suda's
[2] From the
scholia thereto.
Ecclesiazusae 63 (web address 1). See further, next note.
[4] From the
scholia to line 64 (paraphrasing it). NB: the transmitted text of the line has the verb
e)xliaino/mhn, but editors have adopted Bergk's emendation to
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: botany; comedy; constitution; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; gender and sexuality; geography; imagery; medicine; poetry; politics; women
Translated by: Richard Rodriguez on 15 June 2009@03:43:30.
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