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Headword: *lousi/a
Adler number: lambda,695
Translated headword: Lousia
Vetting Status: high
[An Attic deme], the demesmen of which [are] Lousieis. And [the singular is] Lousieus; [Lousia is] a deme of [sc. the Athenian tribe] Oineis.
Greek Original:
*lousi/a, a)f' ou(= oi( dhmo/tai *lousiei=s. kai\ *lousieu/s: dh=mos th=s *oi)nhi/+dos.
Clumsily abridged from Harpokration s.v. Lousieus (sic), i.e. this deme's demotikon, mentioned in Hyperides fr. 92 Jensen. While supplements can, as indicated, bring logical sense to the entry, it is actually one of many where the Suda shows no awareness of the distinction between the collective name of a deme and its (singular or plural) demotikon.
J.S. Traill, The Political Organization of Attica (Princeton 1975) 49
D. Whitehead, The Demes of Attica (Princeton 1986) index s.v.
Keywords: constitution; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 6 December 2000@03:25:48.
Vetted by:
Elizabeth Vandiver (Added italics; set status) on 18 November 2003@16:52:40.
David Whitehead (modified and augmented note; added a keyword) on 19 November 2003@03:23:01.
David Whitehead (tweaks) on 12 July 2011@05:11:42.
David Whitehead on 17 May 2016@04:20:18.


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