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Search results for lambda,688 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,688
Translated headword: Lucullus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Lucullus, the consul, was at war with Mithridates the king of Pontus.[1] Landing in the Troad and camping near the precinct of Aphrodite, he thought he saw Aphrodite standing by him during the night, and saying this to him: 'Why are you slumbering, great-hearted lion? Fawns are close by'. With a start he realised that the king's fleet was at anchor nearby; he sailed against it and was victorious in the sea-battle, killing everyone including the general Isidoros.[2] Mithridates fled to Tigranes, the king of the Armenians.[3] Lucullus waged war on Tigranes too, capturing most of his cities and laying siege to [sc. the capital] Tigranocerta.[4] Observing the Roman [army] and calculating that it was easy to count, Tigranes uttered this famous aphorism: 'they are many, if envoys, but if soldiers, few'.[5] Nevertheless, coming to grips with the Roman forces, he realised that his multitude was unable to help him.
Antiochus the philosopher, at rate, when mentioning this battle says that the sun never looked down on its like.[6]
Strabo says[7] that so effortlessly did the Romans bring about the slaughter of this great mass of men that after the engagement they laughed at themselves for having employed arms against such slaves. And Livy[8] said that he was astonished by this battle, for he says that the Roman had never been drawn up [in numbers] so inferior to the enemy; for the victors were a mere twentieth part of the vanquished.
Greek Original:*lou/koullos: o(/ti *lou/koullos, o( u(/patos, *miqrida/th| tw=| tou= *po/ntou basilei= e)pole/mei kai\ prossxw\n *trw|a/di kai\ skhnw=n para\ to\ th=s *)afrodi/ths te/menos e)/doce th\n *)afrodi/thn nu/ktwr e)pista=sa/n oi( to/de ei)pei=n: ti/ knw/sseis, mega/qume le/on; nebroi\ de/ toi e)ggu/s. kai\ o(\s e)canasta\s kai\ puqo/menos w(s ei)/h plhsi/on nauloxw=n o( basiliko\s sto/los, e)pe/pleusen au)tw=| kai\ krath/sas th=| naumaxi/a| diafqei/rei pa/ntas kai\ to\n strathgo\n *)isi/dwron. o( de\ *miqrida/ths feu/gei pro\s *tigra/nhn to\n tw=n *)armeni/wn basile/a. o( de\ *lou/koullos kai\ pro\s *tigra/nhn e)cenegkw\n po/lemon po/leis te ei(=le plei/stas o(/sas kai\ ta\ *tigrano/kerta e)polio/rkei. o( de\ *tigra/nhs a)pidw\n e)s to\ tw=n *(rwmai/wn kai\ logisa/menos eu)ari/qmhton ei)=nai, tou=to dh\ to\ qrullou/menon a)pefqe/gcato, w(s ei) me\n presbeutai/, polloi\ pa/reisin, ei) de\ stratiw=tai, o)li/goi. a)ll' o(/mws e)s pei=ran e)lqw\n tw=n *(rwmai+kw=n duna/mewn e)/gnw to\n o)/xlon ou)de\n w)felei=n duna/menon. *)anti/oxos gou=n o( filo/sofos tau/ths e)pimnhsqei\s th=s ma/xhs ou)k e)/fh toiau/thn a)/llhn e(wrake/nai to\n h(/lion: *stra/bwn de\ ou(/tws a)koniti/ fhsi to\n polu\n e)kei=non e)rga/sasqai tou\s *(rwmai/ous fo/non, w(s meta\ th\n pei=ran katagela=n e(autw=n, e)p' a)ndra/poda toiau=ta o(/plois xrhsame/nwn. kai\ *li/bios e)/fh th/nde th\n ma/xhn e)kplhtto/menos, ou)de/pote ga/r fhsi toso/nde polemi/wn a)pode/ontas *(rwmai/ous parata/casqai: ei)kosto\n ga\r dh\ me/ros oi( nikw=ntes h)=san tw=n h(ttwme/nwn.
On Lucullus see generally Ernst Badian in OCD(4) s.v. 'Licinius Lucullus, Lucius'; and cf.
lambda 687.
The present material on him -- the first part incompetently summarised at
kappa 1885 (q.v.) -- is from late Greek historiography but otherwise unidentifiable; Adler suggested John of
Antioch; now accepted as his fr.147 Roberto. Adler also pointed out that the latter part of it, from '
Antiochus' onwards, reproduces with minor changes
Lucullus 28.8. This is perfectly true, but in fact the first part of it too seems to depend on that source: see notes 2 and 5 below.
[1] On Mithridates (or
Mithradates) VI Eupator, see generally B.C. McGing in OCD(4) s.v.
[2] cf.
Lucullus 12.
[3] His son-in-law. On Tigranes II 'the Great', see generally B.M. Levick in OCD(4) s.v.
[4] On Tigranocerta (later Martyropolis; present-day Silvan) see T. Rice Holmes,
The Roman Republic I, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1923, 409-425 (see web address 1 below); T.A. Sinclair,
Eastern Turkey: An Architectural and Archaeological Survey, vol. 3, London:
Pindar Press, 1987, 357 ff.; Ronald
Anatolica: Studies in Strabo. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995, 58-65.
[5] See
Lucullus 27.4.
[6] In his treatise
On gods, says
Plutarch. This is Lucullus' friend the Academic philosopher
Antiochus of Ascalon (c.130-68), on whom see generally G. Striker in OCD(4) s.v. '
[7] Not in the surviving
Geography but in the lost
History: FGrH 91 F9.
[8] Livy,
Periochae 98.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; constitution; geography; historiography; history; imagery; military affairs; philosophy; religion; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 21 April 2008@05:43:58.
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