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Search results for lambda,685 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,685
Translated headword: Loukianos, Lucianus, Lucian
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Lucian] the martyr; this man was from
Samosata in
Syria,[1] born in the upper class. In his youth he met a certain man called Makarios, who lived in
Edessa and gave explanatory lectures on the sacred books, and in a short time [Lucian] made his own whatever excellence this man had. And he entered into monastic life and reached the standard of every human excellence. He also entered the holy service, became a presbyter in
Antioch, and established a large school there, as the best people from various regions were coming to him. This man thought that the holy books had taken in much of what was counterfeit within themselves, because time had corrupted much of their content, and there had been continuous changes in them from one thing to another, and on account of certain worthless men, who had been in the forefront of Hellenism and who wished to pervert their meaning and put in much that was illegitimate. So he re-edited the books, taking his cues from the Hebrew language, which he had learned quite well, as he put much effort into the correction of the holy books.[2] And furthermore one can find that he guarded the purity of the divine doctrines to the greatest degree among his contemporaries.
For he also published doubtless most excellent letters, from which one may very easily learn what idea he held of divine matters. He was martyred in the time of Maximian[3] in Nicomedia of
Greek Original:*loukiano\s o( ma/rtus: ou(=tos e)k *samosatw=n th=s *suri/as h)=n, a)nh\r tw=n eu)= gegono/twn. para\ de\ th\n prw/thn h(liki/an *makari/w| tini tou)/noma suggeno/menos th\n *)/edessan oi)kou=nti kai\ ta\s i(era\s bi/blous e)chgoume/nw|, pa=n o(/ ti ka/lliston e)/fere peri\ tou=ton e)kei=nos e)n ou) pollw=| sune/labe xro/nw|. kai\ pro/s te to\n monau/lion a)pe/kline bi/on kai\ ei)s a(/pan a)reth=s a)nqrwpei/as a)fi/keto me/tron. prou)/bh de\ kai\ ei)s i(erwsu/nhn, presbu/teros e)n *)antioxei/a| geno/menos, kai\ didaskalei=on me/ga e)kei= sunesth/sato, e(kastaxo/qen spoudaiota/twn w(s au)to\n a)llaxo/qen a)/llwn a)fiknoume/nwn. ou(=tos ta\s i(era\s bi/blous qeasa/menos polu\ to\ no/qon ei)sdecame/nas, tou= te xro/nou lumhname/nou polla\ tw=n e)n au)tai=s kai\ th=s sunexou=s a)/f' e(te/rwn ei)s e(/tera metaqe/sews, kai\ me/ntoi kai/ tinwn a)nqrw/pwn ponhrota/twn, oi(\ tou= *(ellhnismou= proesth/kesan, paratre/yai to\n e)n au)tai=s qelhsa/ntwn nou=n kai\ polu\ to\ ki/bdhlon e)nskeuasame/nwn, au)to\s a(pa/sas a)nalabw\n e)k th=s *(ebrai/+dos au)ta\s e)panenew/sato glw/tths, h(\n kai\ au)th\n h)kribwkw\s e)s ta\ ma/lista h)=n, po/non th=| e)panorqw/sei plei=ston ei)senegka/menos. ou) mh\n de\ a)lla\ kai\ th\n kaqaro/thta tw=n qei/wn dogma/twn para\ tou/tw| tis a)\n ma/lista tw=n kat' e)kei=non to\n xro/non genome/nwn e)p' a)/kron eu(/roi fulattome/nhn. e)ce/qeto ga\r kai\ e)pistola\s a)me/lei gennaiota/tas, e)c w(=n fwra/sai tis a)\n eu)= ma/la r(a|di/ws, h(\n o( a)nh\r peri\ tw=n qei/wn e)/sw|ze gnw/mhn. e)martu/rhse de\ e)pi\ *macimianou= e)n *nikomhdei/a| th=s *biquni/as.
From the
Life of Lucian the Martyr (ed. Bidez), with an addendum from Hieronymus (Jerome),
De viris inlustribus (ed. Gebhardt).
[1] Like his earlier namesake
lambda 683; cf.
sigma 82.
[2] cf.
nu 447.
[3] Early C4 AD.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; ethics; geography; religion
Translated by: Akihiko Watanabe on 21 May 1999@01:59:02.
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