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Search results for lambda,684 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,684
Translated headword: Lucian
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Another one,[1] count of the east, in the reign of the emperor Arkadios.[2] His position meant that one who held it was to rule over all those who governed the eastern provinces, and to rectify in case of those who were not acting according to their duty. And this man in fact, showing every virtue befitting a ruler to his subjects, became famous for his justice and wisdom and everything that is an ornament to rulers, as he did not discriminate between persons and did not contemplate anything other than what the law suggested. Doubtless as a result he, turning away the uncle of the emperor, Eucherios, who was asking something contrary to the norm, incensed this man so much that the man falsely accused him before the emperor. And since the emperor said that
Rufinus, who had given such a powerful position to such a man, was the one to blame,
Rufinus, seizing on the pretext, tortured Lucian with leaden balls on his tendon.[3]
Greek Original:*loukiano\s e(/teros, ko/mhs th=s e(w/|as, e)pi\ *)arkadi/ou tou= basile/ws. au(/th de\ h( a)rxh\ e)bou/leto to\n probeblhme/non au)th=s e)festa/nai pa=si toi=s th=s e(w/|as e)parxi/as i)qu/nousi kai\ e)pi\ toi=s ou) kata\ to\ de/on prattome/nois i)qu/nein. ou(=tos toi/nun pa=san a)rxikh\n a)reth\n ei)s tou\s a)rxome/nous e)pideiknu/menos e)pi\ dikaiosu/nh| kai\ swfrosu/nh| kai\ pa=si toi=s a)/rxontas kosmei=n duname/nois diabo/htos h)=n, ou)/te prosw/pwn diafora\n ou)/te e(/tero/n ti kata\ nou=n e)/xwn, plh\n w(=n o( no/mos u(phgo/reuen. w(/ste a)me/lei kai\ to\n tou= basile/ws qei=on *eu)xe/rion ai)tou=nta/ ti para\ to\ prosh=kon a)poseisa/menos e)s tosou=ton e)ki/nhsen, w(/ste pro\s to\n basile/a diabalei=n. e)pei\ de\ o( basileu\s ai)/tion ei)=pen ei)=nai *(roufi=non, a)ndri\ toiou/tw| tosau/thn a)rxh\n dedwko/ta, labw\n pro/fasin o( *(roufi=nos to\n *loukiano\n sfai/rais molubdi/nais h)|ki/sato kata\ tou= te/nontos.
Zosimus 5.2.2-4.
[1] i.e. other than
lambda 683, just mentioned. (The connection is omitted in some manuscripts.)
[2] AD 383-408. See summarily OCD(4) p.135.
[3] For
Rufinus see in full
rho 240.
Keywords: biography; chronology; constitution; ethics; geography; historiography; history; law; medicine
Translated by: Akihiko Watanabe on 18 May 1999@11:37:56.
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